” まどをもってうごく/Windowing ” 桒原寿行 shashin1799 -
” 器/Dish ” 桒原寿行 shashin1799 -
旧第一銀行横浜支店, 桒原寿行 shashin1799 -
東京芸術大学「I LOVE YOU project 2023」桒原寿行 shashin1799
JSPS科研費21K00189 基盤研究(C) 「新たな実写表現」の実践 2021-2024
"GREY ROOM" 根津ギャラリーマルヒ.東京
"GREY ROOM" Gallery MARUHI. Tokyo -
"交錯するもうひとつの場" 萃点SUI-TEN 2020 「Eye」東京藝術大学大学美術館本館.東京
JSTCOI若手連携研究ファンドR1WD08 映像の再発明 4Dスキャンメディアによる、新しい時空間体験創造プラットフォームの構築 2019-2021
JST 若手ファンド・デジタル分野(FS)4Dスキャンメディアによる、新しい時空間体験創造プラットフォームの構築に向けた調査研究 2018-2019
JSPS科研費18K12257若手研究4Dスキャン記録の時間軸編集による新しい時空間体験表現の研究 2018-2021

The Japanese word for photograph shashin is represented by two kanji, sha and shin, meaning “transcribe” and “truth” respectively.
Not photography as a medium, but being “shashin”. In other words, what reality would transcribing a true image now be? The word “SHASHIN” was established even before the invention of photography, and it was derived as a visual principle to capture the reality of truth from the aspect of the pictorial image, as typified by Discussion of Western Painting (1799, Shiba Koukan[1747-1818]).
In today’s information technology and digital media environment, in which the camera image, which is a highly purified version of a task that is impossible for the eye to do, becomes information, and becomes a medium by merging with pixel and computer graphics, the eye and the brain extrapolate the world in front of them from the fluctuations of this indirectness. And yet, will the “seeing” still be the same?
SHASHIN.1799 considers the structure/presentness of reality, the concept of copying the truth as a visually perceptual convention between document and reality in the present. It is a framework that attempts to reinterpret the potentialities and questions of seeing through a study of the visual principles and representations of new and old live-action media.
