From the photogrammetry of her final form, I created a vessel that resembles an inverted female mold. I filled this vessel to its maximum capacity level with water and drank it dry over the course of a day.
「死 なぜ悲しい」そう検索するしか術のないほど私は悲嘆していた。19年という生涯を終えた彼女の姿は、なぜこんなにも悲しいのか。もう二度と会えない、そう思うと彼女の最後の姿を記録に収めずにはいられなかった。
I am so perplexed that I can only search “why is death sad?”Her form, having completed a life of 19 years, is overwhelmingly sorrowful. The thought of never meeting her again compelled me to capture her last image.
She is recorded in 577 photographs, an array of image data, and her final form is reconstructed through photogrammetry. However, when I recreated her last shape from this data, I felt a strong dissonance in replicating it in three dimensions. The root of my sorrow was not just in extracting her likeness; I yearned for something that could only be described as the physical sensation of her existence, her real presence. It wasn’t about replicating something that resembles her form.
As I pondered, the act of ‘eating’ came to mind as a way to physically experience her existence through this data.
By inverting the data of her final form, I created a vessel resembling a female mold. I intended to absorb and incorporate into my body the volume that she once occupied in this world by eating it.
彼女の最期の姿を反転した器に、なみなみ水を注ぐと2854 ml になる。それは単なる数字でしかなく、私は彼女の透明な面影を1日かけて飲み干すことにした。
When I filled the inverted vessel of her final form with water, it measured 2854 ml. This was just a number, and I decided to spend a day drinking this transparent remnant of her.